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Camo Carpet Flooring

Featuring designs available exclusively at Staff Carpet!


Combining two loves

Staff Carpet's Camo Carpets were born out of the blending of owner John Staff's two great loves: flooring and the outdoors. John is an avid hunter and gunman, and was long asked by his fellow outdoorsmen for a camouflage carpet option. Since there was no such product, he made it happen!

We have since partnered with both Realtree & Mossy Oak to bring you the best in quality and most life-like carpet for your home or business. We hope you enjoy our carpet as much as we do and that it helps create that perfect den, hunting lodge, bedroom, cabin, or business atmosphere that you've always wanted.

Broadloom Camo Carpet

Staff Carpet's Camo Carpets were born out of the blending of owner John Staff's two great loves

Classic carpet | Staff Carpet
Hardwoods carpet | Staff Carpet
Hardwoods Green Carpet | Staff Carpet
Timber Carpet | Staff Carpet
Max Carpet | Staff Carpet
Wetlands Carpet | Staff Carpet

Camo Carpet Tile

Staff Carpet's Camo Carpets were born out of the blending of owner John Staff's two great loves

Green Pattern Carpet Tile | Staff Carpet
Single Carpet Tile | Staff Carpet
Max Pattern Carpet Tile | Staff Carpet
Classic Layout carpet tile | Staff Carpet
Timber Pattern Carpet Tile | Staff Carpet